Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Is Larry Hughes Really Selfish?

Recently former Cleveland Cavalier, now Chicago Bull Larry Hughes was quoted in saying, “I play to enjoy myself, some people take this the wrong way, but winning a championship is not what I base everything on. ... I didn't come here to play the point guard, that's just it. I came here to run the wing, just like [LeBron James] was running the other wing. I was asked to sacrifice for the team to win and for everybody, I guess, get paid. That is what was told to me and I wasn't happy with that."
Afterwards, media types picked apart Hughes’ statement and some proceeded to call Hughes “selfish.”

OK, let’s be honest, there are probably more athletes in sports who feels like Hughes than his former Cavs teammate Lebron James, who is driven to win a championship.

For the average sports fan, the goal for every athlete should be to win a championship, because that's their (the fans) dream. But in reality, there are probably more professional athletes who see sports as a job and not their destiny.

For Larry Hughes, although he enjoys playing basketball, the sport was a way to pay for his young brother Justin's heart surgery. Because of the high cost of the heart transplant surgery, Larry Hughes left college early, so he could obtain the funding necessary for his brother’s surgery, (how many “selfish” people would do that for their family?)

Although Larry was able to pay for his brother’s heart transplant surgery and Justin survived many years afterward, he ended up dying a few years later at the age of 20, (shortly after his brother’s death, Hughes’ wife contracted a serious illness.) For Larry Hughes, life and family has been more important to him than winning a championship.

In the end, it’s not up us or the media to dictate if Larry Hughes’s statement is right or wrong, it’s up to the Chicago Bulls and only time will tell if they embrace Hughes’ comments or look for someone else who has different philosophy .

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